You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.10. MAINTENANCE Menu: System Maintenance > 1.10.2. Maintenance - Edit Company > Edit Company - Edit - Mobile Company Settings > Supply Chain Settings (v2.8)
Supply Chain Settings (v2.8)

The Supply Chain settings on the Edit Warehouse Mobile Settings screen apply to supply chain orders (see "Edit - Program - Supply Chain Config (v2.8)").

To configure these settings:

  1. Display the Edit Warehouse Mobile Settings screen.

Refer to "Edit Company - Edit - Mobile Company Settings".

  1. Complete the following fields:





Supply Chain by Order Type

If this field is set to Yes, you can set different default values for the Invoice Header screen depending on the order type.


Default Company Order Type

If you selected Yes in the previous field, select the default order type:

  • Not Used
  • One Up
  • Consolidate BO
  • Dispatch as Arrive
  • Embroidery Order.



Technical Tip

Note that the default order type can be overridden by the Default supply chain order type field on each debtor – see "File - Debtor - Extra".

  1. Configure any further fields on the Edit Warehouse Mobile Settings screen that are required for the Micronet Mobile Applications you have access to.